m.r.c. searle optometrist

Welsh Eye Care Service (WECS)

Welsh Government has also introduced a free eye care service in Wales for anyone with an eye problem that needs attention straight away, those most at risk of developing eye diseases and those who would find losing their eye sight especially difficult. This EHEW service is different from a normal sight test.
Frequently asked Questions
The WECS service is free if you:
  • Have eye symptoms that you think need urgent attention:
  • Have sight in one eye only
  • Have a hearing impairment
  • Suffer from retinitis pigmentosa
  • Are of Black or Asian ethnic group
  • Have seen another healthcare provider (GP, pharmacist) and they want you to see an optometrist
  • Have dry (age-related) macular degeneration
How do I get an WECS assessment?
If you have any concerns or have not had an eye test for a while, see an accredited high street optometrist (optician) straightaway. He or she will tell you if you are eligible for a free examination. Some eye diseases can lead to blindness or loss of vision, but if detected early enough your eyesight can often be saved.

What can I expect?
The examination will be performed by an accredited optometrist and it is best to telephone ahead to make an appointment.

A detailed examination will take place and the optometrist may:
  • Discuss your symptoms and problems experienced
  • Measure your vision
  • Use special equipment to look at the front and back of your eyes
  • Discuss your particular eye condition/s with you
  • Refer you to other health professionals if required